UWIR report cover

Current Surat UWIR

The Underground Water Impact Report 2021 for the Surat Cumulative Management Area came into effect on 1 May 2022. It reports on the assessment and management of cumulative impacts from coal seam gas, coal mining and conventional oil and gas development in the Surat and southern Bowen basins.

PublicationSummary Date published
Surat UWIR 2021  (PDF, 17MB) Underground Water Impact Report for the Surat Cumulative Management Area 31 March 2022
Appendices: Surat UWIR 2021  (PDF, 11MB) Additional and technical information referred to in the Surat UWIR 2021 31 March 2022
Consultation submission summary report  (PDF, 1MB) Information about the consultation period for the draft Surat UWIR 2021, a summary of the responses received and changes made in preparing the final report 31 March 2022
Public notice: approval of the Surat UWIR 2021  (PDF, 38KB) Statutory notice announcing the approval of the Surat UWIR 2021 by DES 31 March 2022
Annual review 2023  (PDF, 1MB) Annual review 2023 for the Surat Underground Water Impact Report 17 January 2024
Previous Surat UWIRs
UWIR Approval Date Take effect date
2019  (PDF, 37MB) 12 November 2019 16 December 2019
2016  (PDF, 6MB) 6 September 2016 19 September 2016
2012  (PDF, 4MB) 12 October 2012 1 December 2012
Previous annual reviews
Technical reports

Each successive UWIR is supported by investigation, assessment and research that is documented in separate technical reports.

Below is a list of all technical reports released by OGIA. If you have trouble downloading these reports, please email ogia@rdmw.qld.gov.au to request a copy.

Publication Publication Date

Analysis of groundwater trends to identify impacts from coal seam gas and coal mining in the Surat and southern Bowen basins  (PDF, 18MB)

January 2023
Details of the Water Monitoring Strategy for the Underground Water Impact Report 2021  (PDF, 4MB) December 2021
Status of coal seam gas and conventional petroleum and gas development in the Surat Cumulative Management Area  (PDF, 5MB) November 2021
Existing and proposed coal mining in the Surat Basin  (PDF, 2MB) November 2021
Surat CMA and its groundwater systems  (PDF, 2MB) December 2021
Modelling of cumulative groundwater impacts in the Surat CMA: approach and methods  (PDF, 4MB) December 2021
Geology and 3D geological models for Queensland’s Surat and southern Bowen basins  (PDF, 6MB) December 2021
Regional flow systems and potentiometry in Queensland’s Surat and southern Bowen basins  (PDF, 3MB) December 2021
Hydrogeological characterisation of faults in the Surat Basin: assessing fault-induced connectivity between the Walloon Coal Measures and adjacent aquifers  (PDF, 9MB)

December 2020

Groundwater modelling report for the Surat CMA  (PDF, 15MB)

  • Appendix A Model boundaries (PDF, 9.1MB)
  • Appendix B Model layer geometry (PDF, 22.3MB)
  • Appendix C Model calibration observation locations (PDF, 46.3MB)
  • Appendix D Model pilot point locations (PDF, 37.3MB)
  • Appendix E Parameter bounds (PDF, 632KB)
  • Appendix F Summary of model calibration (PDF, 714KB)
  • Appendix G Calibration Results, UWIR 2019 Model (PDF, 85.8MB)
  • Appendix H Uncertainty Analysis Results, UWIR 2019 Model (PDF, 59KB)
  • Appendix I Uncertainty Analysis Results, UWIR 2019 Model (PDF, 7MB)

October 2019

Analysis of groundwater level trends in the Hutton Sandstone, Springbok Sandstone and Condamine Alluvium – Surat CMA (PDF, 20MB)

December 2019

Technical summary: terrestrial groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the Surat CMA   (PDF, 3MB)

June 2019

Updated geology and geological model for the Surat CMA  (PDF, 95MB)


Identification of gaining streams in the Surat CMA report  (PDF, 2MB)

March 2017

Condamine groundwater connectivity report, main report  (PDF, 6MB)

August 2016

Hydrogeological conceptualisation report for the Surat CMA  (PDF, 96MB)

August 2016

Springs in the Surat CMA – A summary report on spring research and knowledge  (PDF, 3MB)

June 2016

Wetland conceptualisation – A summary report on the conceptualisation of springs in the Surat CMA (PDF, 22MB) June 2015
Research update papers and technical notes

OGIA’s research program is guided by the need to improve the assessment for each successive UWIR and to address emerging issues from stakeholders. OGIA’s current research focus areas are:

  • Groundwater flow modelling – ongoing improvements by testing and developing new and innovative approaches and methods that are specifically suited to impact assessment.
  • Subsidence – improved understanding of subsidence from the monitoring data across the Surat Basin and refinement of modelling techniques.
  • Monitoring and trend analysis – development and testing of new monitoring techniques and ongoing analysis of additional groundwater monitoring data to identify impacts associated with CSG development.
  • Hydrogeological conceptualisation – targeted assessment for improving understanding of groundwater connectivity.
  • Groundwater-dependent ecosystems – integration of groundwater assessment with processes that affect groundwater conditions around the connected ecosystems.

OGIA has started publishing research update papers and technical notes, instead of technical reports, to present findings and progress on specific pieces of research work. These reflect the best data and information available at the time.

Research update papers and technical notes

Publication Date

Methodology for the assignment of aquifers to bores in the Surat and southern Bowen basins  (PDF, 2MB) January 2024
Water bores and groundwater use in the Surat and southern Bowen basins  (PDF, 2MB) January 2024
Exploring the contribution of coal shrinkage to CSG-induced subsidence  (PDF, 2MB) April 2023

Last updated: 25 Jan 2024